LOOT’s Sorting Algorithm

LOOT’s sorting algorithm consists of four stages:

Load plugin data

In this first stage, the plugins to be sorted are parsed and their record IDs (which are FormIDs for all games apart from Morrowind) are stored. Parsing is multithreaded by dividing the plugins into buckets with roughly equal total file sizes, and loading each bucket’s plugins in a separate thread. The number of buckets created is equal to the number of concurrent threads that are hardware-supported (e.g. a dual-core CPU without hyperthreading may report that it supports two threads).

When parsing plugins, all subrecords are skipped over for efficiency, apart from the subrecords of the TES4 header record.

Create plugin graph vertices

Once loaded, a directed graph is created and the plugins are added to it in lexicographical order as vertices. Any metadata a plugin has in the masterlist and userlist are then merged into its vertex’s data store. Plugin group dependencies are also resolved and added as group-derived plugins.

Create plugin graph edges

In this section, the terms vertex and plugin are used interchangeably, and the iteration order ‘for each plugin’ is the order in which the vertices were added to the graph.

For each plugin:

  1. If the plugin is a master file, add edges going to all non-master files. If the plugin is a non-master file, add edges coming from all master files.

  2. Add edges coming from all the plugin’s masters. Missing masters have no edges added.

  3. Add edges coming from all the plugin’s requirements. Missing requirements have no edges added.

  4. Add edges coming from all the plugin’s load after files that are installed plugins.

Group-derived interdependencies are then evaluated. Each plugin’s group-derived plugins are iterated over and individually checked to see if adding an edge from the group-derived plugin to the plugin would cause a cycle, and if not the edge is recorded. Once all potential edges have been checked, the recorded edges are added to the graph.

Plugin overlap edges are then added. Two plugins overlap if they contain the same record, i.e. if they both edit the same record or if one edits a record the other plugin adds.

For each plugin, skip it if it overrides no records, otherwise iterate over all other plugins. Sorting currently skips adding overlap edges for Morrowind plugins, because LOOT is unable to distinguish between new and overridden records in Morrowind plugins, and considers all plugins to override no records.

  • If the plugin and other plugin override the same number of records, or do not overlap, skip the other plugin.

  • Otherwise, add an edge from the plugin which overrides more records to the plugin that overrides fewer records, unless that edge would cause a cycle.

Finally, tie-break edges are added to ensure that sorting is consistent. For each plugin, iterate over all other plugins and add an edge between each pair of plugins in the direction given by the tie-break comparison function, unless that edge would cause a cycle.

The tie-break comparison function compares current plugin load order positions, falling back to plugin names.

  • If both plugins have positions in the current load order, the function preserves their existing relative order.

  • If one plugin has a position and the other does not, the edge added goes from the plugin with a position to the plugin without a position.

  • If neither plugin has a load order position, a case-insensitive lexicographical comparison of their filenames without file extensions is used to decide their order.

Topologically sort the plugin graph

Note that edges for explicit interdependencies are the only edges allowed to create cycles: this is because the first step of this stage is to check the plugin graph for cycles, and throw an error if any are encountered, so that metadata (or indeed plugin data) that cause them can be corrected.

Once the graph is confirmed to be cycle-free, a topological sort is performed on the graph, outputting a list of plugins in their newly-sorted load order.