
Messages are given as key-value maps.



Required. The type string can be one of three keywords.


A generic message, useful for miscellaneous notes.


A warning message, describing a non-critical issue with the user’s mods (eg. dirty mods).


An error message, decribing a critical installation issue (eg. missing masters, corrupt plugins).


string or localised content list

Required. Either simply a string, or a list of localised content data structures. If the latter, one of the structures must be for English.



A condition string that is evaluated to determine whether the message should be displayed: if it evaluates to true, the message is displayed, otherwise it is not. See Condition Strings for details.


string list

A list of strings to be substituted into the message content string. The content string must use numbered specifiers (%1%, %2%, etc.), where the numbers correspond to the position of the substitution string in this list to use, to denote where these strings are to be substituted.

Message Formatting

LOOT supports formatting of messages using GitHub Flavored Markdown. Support is provided by the Marked library (v0.3). Strings that get substituted into messages, such as file display names and cleaning data utility strings, also support the same formatting options.

Language Support

If a message’s content value is a string, the message will use the string as its content if displayed. Otherwise, the first localised content structure with a language that matches LOOT’s current language will be used as the message’s content if displayed. If there are no matches, then the first structure in English will be used.


Two message data structures are equal if their type, content and condition fields are equal, after any subs values have been substituted into content strings. If the content field is a string, it is treated as a localised content list containing a single English-language string. String equality is case sensitive.


Translations by Google

type: say
condition: 'file("foo.esp")'
  - lang: en
    text: 'An example link: <>'
  - lang: ru
    text: 'Это пример ссылки: <>'

would be displayed as

отмечать: Это пример ссылки:

if the current language was Russian and foo.esp was installed, while

type: say
content: 'An alternative [example link](, with no translations.'

would be displayed as

отмечать: An alternative example link, with no translations.

In English,

type: say
content: 'A newer version of %1% [is available](%2%).'
  - 'this plugin'
  - ''

would be displayed as

Note: A newer version of this plugin is available.